All people have the fundamental human right:
Lt. Al Devlin
Police Lt. Al Devlin (pictured above) served the people of the city in which he worked, as well as his family all his adult life. Yet when he became unable to communicate as a result of medical procedures, many members of his family and the so-called justice system he served, refused to go according to his written and witnessed instructions. Instead, they acted contrary to those instructions and contrary to the instructions of the only legally appointed person he personally authorized to direct his care, and murdered him for their own benefit. The court facilitated this grave injustice as a willing participant in his murder.
This is an example that demonstrates the need for substantial reform to the Medical Industry and the American Court System to better insure each individual's fundamental human rights to honest medical care and a Court system staffed by persons without a conflict of interest, able to render judgments according to the law rather than disregard the written laws and make judgments based solely on their own prejudices.
Power, money, control, self-interest and fear of criminal and civil prosecution have turned our precious institutions into literal battlegrounds of deceit and manipulation rather than the caring, supportive institutions they were created to be. Like any other problem man faces, there are very specific changes that will guarantee better medical and legal treatment according to one's own directions when faced with the need for medical care and/or court intervention. To achieve this requires, in part, establishing oversight boards made up of non-medical and non- lawyer members. For too long these institutions have governed themselves with oversight only by those positioned to gain from the very system they are overseeing.
On this site, we will present common sense solutions to reform these institutions. Those positioned to gain financially by keeping these failing systems in place will oppose many of the changes we will present. But each of these changes will be based upon the principle of treating others as we wish to be treated. Still, they will resist, because many in the medical and legal field gain when you are kept in the dark about your own medical and legal care. What you don't know can hurt you and is hurting many people every day. But most of these systems like it that way because it allows them to do needless tests, prescribe medications that pay them to do so, forces you to pay for their services in your attempt to get justice when you wouldn't need to do so if they hadn't complicated the procedure making it nearly impossible to represent yourself effectively.
You'll recognize the solutions we'll present as far superior in structure and much more able and likely to produce the results we desire. These solutions are readily understood and easily implemented if we use the truth to guide us through the transition.
As for Lt. Al Devlin, laws were in place that were meant to insure he received his personally desired proper care, but some doctors, other hospital personel, many members of his family, and many members of the court all had much to gain from his death.
From a spiritual perspective, those who either lied or withheld information or manipulated the system to help make sure he died have participated in a grave injustice that will continue to greatly effect many others. On the chance that such sin may still be forgivable, their only hope for that forgiveness is to be openly truthful regardless of the personal cost for doing so. Though few are aware of it, and fewer still understand it, in Christianity, there is an unforgivable sin for which you cannot be forgiven here on earth or in the world to come. What is that? Matthew, Mark and Luke speak of it, It is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. To understand this requires study and knowledge of other biblical principles. But, for now, when we understand that the Holy Spirit is also known as the Spirit of Truth, we can begin to understand that with blasphemy being the speaking against or acting against, we begin to see how serious, speaking against the truth may be. When the truth is vital to an outcome of serious proportion, and we either speak against that truth or fail to speak in support of it, we may well be crossing the line between the forgivable and unforgivable sins.
Such sins are so great because they produce a multiplying effect that causes great harm, when the reaffirmation of the truth would have insured that evil causing pain and suffering would not have occurred.
So. too, is it with those who stand in the way of positive changes to corrupted systems that effect so many people. The harm such people do, is often beyond even their imagination. Yet, the harm is done, and this writer believes we will be held accountable on a grand scale. The truth is that important.
Check back with us on this page, to see specifically defined steps to establishing a better medical care system, and, in this and other sections of this site, see how we can achieve a far better court and justice system.
The story of Lt. Devlin's life and death, and the remedies to insure we do not suffer the same unjust and brutal fate, will be told, but not just now.
Lt. Devlin is no longer with us, in the physical sense, but his spirit lives on and the fight for him will live on, but that fight must wait a while. Because there are others who are currently suffering from grave injustices, who need someone to fight to help save their life; and because of limited time and resources to effectively address all these isues at the same time, those whose lives can still be saved must take priority. But don't worry, justice will pursue Lt. Devlin's case, I promise you and him.
LAST UPDATED: March 2, 2016
P.O. Box 1234 Buffalo, New York 14220
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