This site is about many Fundamental Human Rights, but REMEMBER:
Without understanding and focusing, primarily, on the MOST Fundamental of all human rights: the one, without which, we could have no other —THE RIGHT TO BE, we can never successfully protect and benefit from any other Fundamental Human Right at all.
So, please, make sure you go to THE RIGHT TO BE and THE RIGHT OF RIGHTS to understand and protect our MOST Fundamental Human Right TO BE.
How can any father raise a family to be principled, honorable and an asset to society when that society impedes his efforts by undermining his authority?
A father has a fundamental human right to raise his child/children in a manner consistent with his moral and/or religious principles.
For many years now, there has been a concerted effort to diminish the effective authority of the American male. Nowhere has the diminishing of authority been greater than regarding the rights of men as husbands and fathers. As feminine thinking has taken over the liberal thought, fathers are criticized, and their actions even criminalized, when trying to effectively discipline their children.
With the threat of judges often ruling against fathers who may choose physical punishment to achieve immediate results when disciplining their child: courts have relegated men to impotent bystanders, as they watch their children defy the rules of the household or laws of the community.
It is understandable that judges would do this. It's consistent with their rulings in many other areas, as well. Because the vast majority of judges are lawyers, there is a great incentive for them to make sure the things that bring lawyers money continue to happen. Just ask yourself: How would lawyers make money if crime was drastically reduced? And, what if people would/could settle their civil disputes, easily? NOTE: Remember, most judges are recommended by Bar Associations made up of (you guessed it) lawyers. Consequently, to insure profits for their profession, lawyer-judges rule based upon what is good for lawyers, NOT what is good for the people. Honest people working in and around the, so called, justice system know this and might even admit this is often the case.
When judges rule in complicated ways, they are making sure rulings encourage more litigation which means lawyers have more opportunity to make more money. And, by allowing known criminals to spend little or no time in confinement, lawyer-judges guarantee a continuing supply of revenue for lawyers (by making sure the criminal is out on the street committing more crimes, which eventually create more income.). For the most part, this only matters to us when we are the subject of the injustice that comes from such a dishonorable system. How ironic that these judges are referred to as the "Honorable" so and so.
But don't look for those within the system to correct it. It is not in their best interest —so they think. Obviously, there are important changes that need to be made. The most urgent change requires rethinking and reestablishing who is allowed to become a judge. For further discussion on this go to: JUDGES.
Of course, there are other significant changes that must be made, but I will not go into them further, right now, because our topic is more directly: Fathers' Rights. But before we move on, it is vitally important to understand: only, truly-honorable-people can bring about the changes needed, and those who currently work in the system, who have kept quite about this dishonorable behavior, are not qualified to develop or oversee the necessary changes.
Fathers who discipline their children are a threat to the legal system that needs disorder to make money. Therefore, it is the objective of the majority of judges to rule in a way that undermines a father's authority.
The most egregious assault on fathers is the denial of their right to protect their own children. Currently, in the United States, judges have ruled that men have no right to protect their own unborn children; while, at the same time, those same judges claim authority to grant women the "right" to destroy any man's child she carries, for whatever reason she chooses.
Judges have taken on the role of God, and God is taking notes. Is there any wonder as to why our society is falling apart?
The men of the United States need to know that their unborn descendants, not only possess The Fundamental Human Right To Be, but, also, (in acknowledgement of that FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT TO BE) are named in the Constitution of the United States, which requires us to protect our unborn descendants to the same degree as "We the People.." would protect ourselves.
THAT IS CORRECT. But only when honorable people meet their responsibility to defend those innocent others that are being denied their Fundamental Human Rights can we force the judges of OUR courts to adhere to these truths.
If a Father has no right to protect his child, born or unborn, do you think any other right really matters? If that precious right is violated by your government officials, do you think any other is above violation?
Why would government officials make it difficult or impossible for a FATHER to protect his family, by denying him the tools, such as firearms, needed to successfully defeat attackers? —and these are not the only defense tools government officials are denying to innocent people. Is it possible that good officials would deny innocent people the FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and U.S. Constitutional Right to protect themselves and their families?
History teaches us that those who are in power act to make others weak, so those in power can continue to remain in power.
Fathers have a FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT TO BE (that is: to continue to exist), as recognized and enumerated in the United States Constitution, both of which acknowledge his AUTHORITY, and responsibility, to insure that his descendants [born and unborn] can continue to be, to continue to exist, as well.
Will you join others in correcting this injustice? Will you help these Fathers and their children who are being denied these Fundamental Human Rights acknowledged in the U.S. Constitutional? If so, let us know. Email us by clicking: I'll do my part.
To learn more about the Constitution and the Right To Be that requires the protection of our unborn descendants, read: THE RIGHT TO BE, THE RIGHT OF RIGHTS and SELF-PROTECTION. (click each link.)
The Fundamental Human Rights of Fathers are at the core of any honorable society. Therefore, those who wish to live by other than honorable means must destroy the stability of responsible Fathers. As time and resources permit, we will address many other areas in which Fathers' Rights are being violated and need exploration and protection. There are significant changes we need to bring about. These changes are not only in the best interest of Fathers, but in the best interest of the entire family, their communities, nation, and the world. But, remember, these changes are only possible if we become more honorable people.
Thanks for joining us.
LAST UPDATED: March, 2016
P.O. Box 1234 Buffalo, New York 14220
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Email : Info@fundamentalhumanrights.org